Monday, 23 September 2013


Erroll St. Nth Melb-Park

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about who makes art, who looks at art, and what its all for..just the small stuff, and in response I’ve come up with a small- but hopefully humane approach. We have all coloured-in pictures as children, it seems so basic…yet, would you do that now? On the street? In public? As an adult? Over someone else’s drawing? I’d like you to try, that’s why I use recycled paper and ball-point pens to make original images, basically small posters that I then collage onto the street- and arrange a way to leave a pot of coloured pencils near by.

Hosier Lane (Deatil of apples) Melbourne City
Hosier Lane (alcove) Melbourne City

The aim is to encourage other people to risk being involved in art- of course it’s not legal to begin with but the more challenging idea is if they feel they can work with my drawing. Everyone has a ball-point pen, but not many people really use them artfully-so my aim is not to impress people with my skill but show them how easy it can be to draw themselves…the process being open is very important to me, because this project is about others..I’m just starting it. Plus; I love to watch it change over time, and I repair and continue to work with the pictures as much as I can. I’ll also attempt to record them as much as I can, but if you have progress photo’s- please email them and I’ll add it the ‘history’ of the pieces.
(I'll post them here and on my Deviant-art Gallery)

On the wall of Movida, Hosier Lane- melbs

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