Friday, 17 July 2015

cheap gift idea for yourself or a loved-one...

Got $10? Great! Cuz i'm not selling anything, however- this maybe the best little idea of what to do with it! If you need a gift idea or feel like making something creative for a loved-one or family member, this maybe it! Especially for artists, creative-types and/or those who struggle from time to time with self esteem issues. A short video too...and that's rare...

Thursday, 18 June 2015

ART vs LiFE! A new project by Pheelix....

That's correct, I'm now on Youtube!
This will be a discussion space that allows me to show my best artwork, my life!
These video documentaries will cover a broad range of subjects from art-practise, techniques, philosophy and please subscribe, follow, comment...

ArtvsLife channel

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Feb 2015 : Testing Grounds Residency

Testing Grounds, Located behind the Art-Centre, Melbourne CBD.

I'm so happy and privileged to be doing a residency here for the month of February, 2015.
I have scattered some durable works through-out the gardens and have also set-up a small show in the naturally lit studio-space. This work is all offered to people for free, as is my philosophy.
( read more on that, my manifesto is one of my first blogs- have a read if your interested...
click-here ...I'll also print a copy and leave it in the studio @Testing Grounds)

In addition to giving away my art- I will also be holding classes, free art workshops/sessions every Tuesday through-out Feb and into March. BYO materials, or some will be provided to you :)
And any other day I'm there, feel free to have a chat or make some art with me in the beautiful public art space that is Testing-grounds!

For more details on classes etc, just follow me on Instagram @pheelix_one 
email: or Facebook 'like' my group,