Thursday, 21 November 2013

Colour-Me-In Footscray!

This year, as part of the Footscray Street-Art Prize, I've done a big...well, biggish..set of drawings for the public to colour-in. The Prize will be up and running for the next few weeks, so if your over that way, drop-by the mall/walk main bit of footers, next to 'Cheaper-by-Miles' and check the show out! Some great artists from all over the world are now covering this area...and if it's not already trashed, or completely coloured-in (the locals where straight onto it as soon as it went up) please feel free to get involved and do some colouring...

I have set-up another blog to keep all the Colour-Me-In-Originals in one place:
or tweet @PheelixArt
or Facebook

Monday, 11 November 2013

New blog for my Colouring-project!!

I've decided to keep a separate blog for the colour-me-in-original street-project....
Have a look, follow, tweet,etc..etc...